This image belongs to : The Tarkine Plants
Dawn light, fog and moon over the Pieman River
Ancient myrtle, Tarkine rainforest
Early morning on the Pieman River, Tarkine
Aboriginal women, Tarkine coast
Mt Lindsay mine site
Moody weather over the Tarkine
Sunset over the Tarkine from the Road to Nowhere
Wedge-tailed Eagle swimming in the Pieman river
Mt Livingstone and the Meredith Rg
Kings Run - Tarkine coast
Pandani in Cradle Mountain landscape
Caleana major - flying duck orchid
Calochilus paludosus (strap beard orchid)
Walking into a dream
Cushion Plant and Coral Fern
Ascocoryne sarcoides
Postia punctata
Austropaxillus muelleri
Mycena interrupta
Miena cider gum moonlit