This image belongs to : Nature in Tasmania Plants Orchids
Pandani grove in Cradle Mountain
Hartz Mountains rocks
Mt Field hut in winter
Forester kangaroo
Hartz Mountains pandani
On the way down from Harz Peak
Young Forester kangaroos play-fighting
Pied oystercatcher
Florentine 4 (Rob Blakers)
Mycena nargan
Pineapple Grass in the Walls of Jerusalem National Park
Frosted button grass
Aseroe rubra 2
Mycena epipterygia
Snowgum in winter
Fungi reflection, Styx river
Prasophyllum brevilabre (short lipped leek orchid)
Miena cider gum at dawn
Armillaria novaezelandiae
Leek Orchid
Calochilus paludosus (strap beard orchid)
Caleana major - flying duck orchid
Green-comb Spider Orchid
Calochilus herbaceus (Pale Beard Orchid)
Sun Orchid
Caladenia helvina (summer spider orchid)
Caladenia dilatata (Green comb spider orchid)
Calochilus platychila (purple beard orchid)