This image belongs to : Nature in Tasmania Plants Orchids
Inchman ant
Caleana major - flying duck orchid
Wombat eating in the snow
Pied oystercatcher feeding
Fagus reflections, Tarn Shelf
Mycena leaiana var. australis
Forester kangaroo and joey
Prasophyllum brevilabre (short lipped leek orchid)
Tarn Shelf detail with Fagus
Mountain stream in winter
Fagus and rock, Tarn Shelf
Armillaria novaezelandiae
Miena cider gum at dawn
Galerina patagonica
Collybia eucalyptorum
Pandani grove in Cradle Mountain
Miena cider gum moonlit
Miena cider gum in late afternoon
Bolete rosy brown
Calochilus herbaceus (Pale Beard Orchid)
Purple Beard Orchid (Calochilus platychila)
Calochilus platychila (purple beard orchid)
Caladenia dilatata (Green comb spider orchid)
Green-comb Spider Orchid
Calochilus paludosus (strap beard orchid)
Sun Orchid
Leek Orchid