This image belongs to : Nature in Tasmania Fungi Plants
Oystercatcher eggs on a beach
Purple Beard Orchid (Calochilus platychila)
Fagus detail
Windswept vegetation, Hartz Mountains
Young Forester kangaroos play-fighting
Disappearing Tarn, Mt Wellington
Track sign, Hartz Mountains
Romaria sp
Blue Tier rainforest
Ascocoryne sarcoides
Bolete rosy brown
Mycena kuurkacea
Cortinarius archeri
Armillaria novaezelandiae and moss
Cortinarius rotundisporus
Mycena mulawaestris
Mycena epipterygia
Pluteus aff lutescens
Aseroe rubra
Paracaleana minor (small duck orchid)
Leek Orchid
Aerial view of the Styx in the early morning
Miena cider gum moonlit
Green-comb Spider Orchid
Stinkhorn and fly in the Blue Tier
Tasmanian snow gum detail