Beth Heap

After graduating from Macquarie University (Accounting) and Charles Sturt University (Mathematics and Computing – with the University Medal) Beth was drawn to Tasmania. She had previously holidayed in Tasmania and decided at that time that she would love to live there one day. Beth currently resides in Hobart, but has also spent some years on the wild Tasmanian West Coast and in the North West.
Beth is now a member of the Tasmanian Field Naturalists Club and enjoys regular field trips led by very experienced and knowledgeable natural scientist club members. She is editor of their quarterly Bulletin. Her special photographic interests include native orchids and fungi. Beth is a photographic contributor to the new book A Field Guide to Tasmanian Fungi by Dr Genevieve Gates and Dr David Ratkowsy which will be launched on the 27th of February 2014. She has spent many days in the field with Genevieve and David, and her collection of Pentax photographic equipment seeking out the extraordinary array of fungi that Tasmania has to offer.
Beth is the proud mum of a daughter who recently graduated in Arts/Law from the University of Tasmania. Also the owner of very cute Brussels Griffon.
Other photographic interests include landscapes, auroras and membership of the Hobart Photographic Society.
Latest images by Beth Heap