This image belongs to : Nature in Tasmania Fungi Plants
Wombat behind the dunes
Armillaria novaezelandiae forest
Waking up alone in the wilderness
Pandani in Cradle Mountain landscape
Stinkhorn and fly in the Blue Tier
Inchman ant mandible
Romaria sp
Cortinarius sp
Tarkine gallery rainforest
Blue Tier forest
Mycena kuurkacea
Ryvardenia campyla
Mycena nargan
Cortinarius archeri
Galerina patagonica
Mycena leaiana var. australis
Boletellus obscurecoccineus
Austropaxillus muelleri
Fungi reflection, Styx river
Bolete rosy brown
Alpine wonderland
Caladenia helvina (summer spider orchid)
Collybia eucalyptorum
Tarkine miniature forest
2 Pandani in Cradle Mountain
Fagus and rock, Tarn Shelf
Pandani grove in Cradle Mountain
Calochilus herbaceus (Pale Beard Orchid)
Aseroe rubra