This image belongs to : Nature in Tasmania Fungi Plants
Calochilus paludosus (strap beard orchid)
Steep climb to Hartz Pass
Mycena leaiana var. australis
Collybia eucalyptorum
Fagus and rock, Tarn Shelf
Tarkine gallery rainforest
Muttonbirds feeding off the Tasmanian coast
Navarre (Rob Blakers)
Creek lined with Pandani, Cradle Mountain
Nidula niveotomentosa
Stinkhorn and fly in the Blue Tier
Aleuria rhenana
Mycena mulawaestris
Bolete rosy brown
Armillaria novaezelandiae forest
Armillaria novaezelandiae and moss
Galerina patagonica
Cortinarius sp
Caleana major - flying duck orchid
Aseroe rubra 2
Leek Orchid
Mountain stream in winter
Boletellus obscurecoccineus
Tarn Shelf detail with Fagus
Tasmanian snow gum detail
Wallaby and joey
Armillaria novaezelandiae
Ryvardenia campyla