This image belongs to : Nature in Tasmania Plants Orchids
Wombat on Maria Island
Young Forester kangaroos play-fighting
Miena cider gum
Fagus detail
Oystercatcher eggs on a beach
Track stone work, Hartz Mountains
Snowgum in winter
Fagus and pandani, Mount Field
Blue-tongue lizard
Austropaxillus muelleri
Pandani on sphagnum moss
Aerial view of the Styx in the early morning
Creek lined with Pandani, Cradle Mountain
Mycena mulawaestris
Fagus and rock, Tarn Shelf
Wallaby and joey
Fungi reflection, Styx river
Miena cider gum at dawn
Paracaleana minor (small duck orchid)
Mycena nargan
Green-comb Spider Orchid
Sun Orchid
Calochilus paludosus (strap beard orchid)
Caladenia dilatata (Green comb spider orchid)
Prasophyllum brevilabre (short lipped leek orchid)
Purple Beard Orchid (Calochilus platychila)
Calochilus platychila (purple beard orchid)
Calochilus herbaceus (Pale Beard Orchid)
Leek Orchid